Sub Lux Berserk Hole - All Is Joy

Sub Lux Berserk Hole - All Is Joy

Spectral Nation’s recent series of screen printed monotype works Eraze Phaze use an amalgam of techniques, hand pulled raw gestural first passes meet smoother blended gradients, layers of hand cut masking stencils combine with discordant colour combinations, creating a visual tension in increasingly distorted scenes. 

Shown alongside are collaged compositions using the erazed ‘byproduct’ masking papers, usually a discard of the process. 

The Ambient Haze works are meditations on colour. Using a diffusion dither stencil technique to build up layers of gradients, expansive colour interactions arise. The half way line providing a reference point alluding to a horizon. 

The complete series is displayed allowing the viewer to see the shifting nature of the compositions across the edition.

As a response to the space in the auditorium and supporting studio rooms looped animated print compositions are shown alongside modular audio experiments from Mister Hongo and live sound responses from Kenichi Iwasa, Dölphin, Zygmund de Simogyi. 

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